How to write Swara melodies ?
Lets learn to write melody
First click on the "Player" button which is available just below textarea, you can see Tabla bols in the table format
Observe textarea, you can see see [melody start] and [melody end] tags in it, it is called as Vishwamohini script
This Vishwamohini script is converted into table & you can play it, we will learn more about Vishwamohini script later
Above Table you will see a button "Edit in Excel", click on this button, you will see a excel like table
Every cell in table represents one beat and you can add your bols in cell, Vishwamohini script will get automatically created as you update excel table.
But it is important to understand Vishwamohini script as it is very important part, also you will understand how to write bols in english in the script, please read below sections carefully
Lets understand each element one by one
1. [melody start] & [melody end] : Vishwamohini Script starts with "[melody start]" & ends with "[melody end]". Whatever you write in between these two tags will be considered as part of melody & converted into table.
2. Notations : You can write notations in three octaves
a. Lower octave : S0 r0 R0 g0 G0 m0 M0 P0, d0, D0, n0, N0
b. Middle octave : S1 r1 R1 g1 G1 m1 M1 P1 d1 D1 n1 N1
c. Upper octave : S2 r2 R2 g2 G2 m2 M2 P2 d2 D2 n2 N2
They will be converted into Hindi font
They will be converted into Hindi font
Notes map
lyrics | LowerOctave | S0 | r0 | R0 | g0 | G0 | m0 | M0 | P0 | d0 | D0 | n0 | N0 | |
lyrics | - | C#0 | D0 | D#0 | E0 | F0 | F#0 | G0 | G#0 | A0 | A#0 | B0 | C0 | |
notations | ↦ | सा़ | रे़॒ | रे़ | ग़॒ | ग़ | म़ | म़॑ | प़ | ध़॒ | ध़ | ऩी॒ | ऩी | |
lyrics | MiddleOctave | S1 | r1 | R1 | g1 | G1 | m1 | M1 | P1 | d1 | D1 | n1 | N1 | |
lyrics | - | C#1 | D1 | D#1 | E1 | F1 | F#1 | G1 | G#1 | A1 | A#1 | B1 | C1 | |
notations | ↦ | सा | रे॒ | रे | ग॒ | ग | म | म॑ | प | ध॒ | ध | नी॒ | नी | |
lyrics | UpperOctave | S2 | r2 | R2 | g2 | G2 | m2 | M2 | P2 | d2 | D2 | n2 | N2 | |
lyrics | - | C#2 | D2 | D#2 | E2 | F2 | F#2 | G2 | G#2 | A2 | A#2 | B2 | C2 | |
notations | ↦ | सां | रें॒ | रें | गं॒ | गं | मं | मं॑ | पं | धं॒ | धं | नीं॒ | नीं |
3. [S1R1G1M1|P1D1N1S2|S2N1D1P1|M1G1R1S1] : Each row, which will be considered as a cycle of taal (Avartan) will start with "[" bracket & it ends with "]" bracket. Each beat is separated by bar "|", content between two bars is shown into one cell of table & will be played in timing of one beat.
Script : [S1R1G1m1|P1D1N1S2|S2N1D1P1|m1G1R1S1]
notations | सारेगम | पधनीसां | सांनीधप | मगरेसा |
4. [lyrics] : When you want to write text or lyrics of song just put "[lyrics]" tag at the end of avartan, it will display text as it is in the table.
Below is the row with "[lyrics]" tag
It will display text as it is in the table, rows with lyrics tags will not be considered when you play notations/melody.
lyrics | S1R1G1m1 | P1D1N1S2 | S2N1D1P1 | m1G1R1S1 |
5. [notations] : When you put "[notations]" tag at the end of row, it converts notations into hindi font (sargam) & puts in table. These notations are considered when you play the melody.
Below is the row with "[notations]" tag
It will convert notations tnto hindi font & this row will be considered when you play notations/melody.
notations | सारेगम | पधनीसां | सांनीधप | मगरेसा |
6. Gap : To add gap in the notations just add "-" dash. Spaces between notations has no meaning so you can add them just to have good formatting.
lyrics | S1-R1- | G1-m1- | P1-D1- | N1-S2- | |
notations | सा↦रे↦ | ग↦म↦ | प↦ध↦ | नी↦सां↦ |
Thats it! . . . you are ready to create your first melody. Have some fun with our Demo. You can edit script in this demo & check results.
Advance options
Set multiple instruments, theka or lehera
You can set specific instrument for specific row, currently below instruments are supported
1. flute
2. sitar
3. violin
4. tablatarang
Default intrument is Piano
How to set instrument ?
When you set "[notations]" tag at the end of row, row will be played with the instrument you have set in the right side panel
To change the instrument for row, you can just replace "[notations]" tag with the instrument of your choice, below are the examples, all names must be in lower case.
[melody start]
[melody end]
We have plan to add more instruments in future releases.
Add theka or lehera
Similar to instruments, you can add 'theka' or 'lehera' tag in the script.
theka : It will play along with instruments, it will not play with tabla & symphony. This option is useful when you want to try customized taal which is not available in the list of taals
Example : [D1|D2|D2|D1|D1|D2|D2|D1|D1|T2|T2|T1|T1|D2|D2|D1][theka]
lehera : It will play along with tabla, it will not play with notations, instruments & symphony
Example : [S2|g2|S2|N1|d1|N1|S2|d1|m1|g1|S1|g1|m1|d1|N1|S2][lehera]
Options to add Laykari
Whatever number of notations you put between bars, it will play them with perfect timing in one beat.
First level Laykari
Below is the example of five notes in each beat, which is called as Khand Jati. So five notes will be played in one beat.
[melody start]
[melody end]
Second level Laykari
Some advance musicians may want full control over complex Laykari, we have taken care of them
Just put your notations in curly brackets, it will play them in subbeat of beat with perfect timing.
in below example each beat is divided into three parts, & two notations will be played in third part of each subbeat.
[melody start]
[melody end]
Options for Laykari is available till two levels only.
Kan Swara, Chord
Kan Swara
To add Kan Swara, write them in curly braces {}
Example : [S1R1{G1}m1|P1{D1N1}S2|S2N1({D1P1})|m1G1R1S1][notations]
lyrics | S1R1{G1}m1 | P1{D1N1}S2 | S2N1({D1P1}) | m1G1R1S1 | |
notations | सारेगम | पधनीसां | सांनी (धप) | मगरेसा |
Chord, experimental feature
To add Chord, write them in curly braces with colons {:S1P1:}, it can be also used with for Tabla bols
Example : [S1R1{:G1P1:}m1|P1{:D1N1:}S2|S2N1({:D1P1:})|m1G1R1S1][notations]
Example : [{:G1N1:}|{:G1D2:}|D1({:G1D2:})|D1][tabla]
Local playback settings
Vishwamohini script gives fexibility to add multiple melody pieces in single post. Also it is possible to set important playback settings for each melody piece. User can set Tempo, repetions, Swara scale, Tabla-Baya scale and language. Here is the syntax for putting settings in the script
Example :
[melody start]
<settings start>
<settings end>
[melody end]
Note Dynamics, experimental feature
It is possible to control stroke intensity of each note
Syntax: <Note:StrokeIntensity>.
Stroke intensity can be between 1 to 125
Example :